So Bear & I made it official in a bit of a drunken haze last night. It was nice waking up next to him this morning, and I'm looking forward to many more mornings like that. Hopefully not all of them will involve me having to go to work at 830am though.
Besides my glee of getting to change my FB status and profess to the internet world how happy I am right now, I'm also getting things done around the house today. I cleaned up the kitchen, and am in the middle of doing the bit of laundry I have. Then later tonight is dinner with my Patty for her birthday.
I also ran across this fantastic blog called DEVIATED. Definitely something worth following.

Well now I'm off to spend hopefully the rest of the day away from the internet, and maybe even go try on some TOMS shoes that I'll be able to finally get with my next paycheck. Thank goodness for a full paycheck and a last minute baking order for this weekend. This little lady sure needed some funds.