Today consisted of peanut butter cookie/cup making... beerz drinking... and even some reading.
I took myself to the deli and had a beer on my own. It was nice because even though I know people there, I could still sit on my own and read and drink my beer without really being bothered. If I tried to do that downtown I'd get too caught up in seeing people and starting conversations.
The Stone 14th Anniversary I had on tap today was definitely 'OMNOMNOM' status. This is a beer I've really been enjoying since it's release a few weeks back, so finally having a big glass full of it from the tap made my day so much more delicious.
So my 1 full day off was a success, but tomorrow it's back to the grind. I'm looking forward to having Thursday AND Friday off next week. It's been awhile since I had 2 days off in a row.
Oh and I'm trying to quit smoking because it's an expensive habit and makes me feel kinda crappy overall. Wish me luck kids! I'm hoping I can kick the habit.
Well until next time, when something else interesting happens.