July 12, 2010


Cutting out stencils for Aaron Kraten cookies made this evening not so bad. Also a short conversation with a good friend helped me to put things in more perspective [ie. not everyone that seems happy is always happy, but there's always a light at the end and there's always a friend there even when you think you're alone].

I'm so excited to make it through 1 more day of work, and then to enjoy 5 lovely days of cookies & sleeping in. Also birthdays and adventures will be thrown in there too. But mostly cookies and food coloring and an airbrush will be the bulk of my time.

My friend who runs an awesome restaurant called Rooster PM reminded me tonight that we were gonna make endangered species cookies/cupcakes for his place. Now I really want to make a manatee stencil for him. I'm gonna try to work on that this week as well as everything else.

So I'm gonna turn this week around from last night because I really don't have the time and energy to be a downer. Plus I have some really amazing things happening at the moment!

And I must must MUST remind myself: I can't control how other's treat me... I can only control how I react to the situation. And I'm taking back control.


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