January 10, 2010


I have control issues. Like whoa. I'll do just about anything to gain back some kind of control in my life when things get turned upside down. Some of these things are healthy [treadmill, reading, having a 12 hour LOTR marathon, turning my phone on silent at the end of the night]... others are not so much [like I'm gonna list them!].

But I really need to work on this year letting that go. I know I cannot control everything that happens in my life, I can control how I react to things though. The old Candice usually chooses to react badly and thinks another shot of Jager at the bar will fix things. The NEW Candice [the one I'm working on right now] is thinking differently. I know this is a journey for me from my old ways, but I really have faith that I can do it. That I can grow up and move on and LET IT GO.

I'm not sure why but whenever I think of my control issues "The Conductor" by The Faint comes into my head... the Thin White Duke remix. If you've heard it you'll know what I mean, if you haven't then go here and listen to it.

In the meantime I'm totally obsessed with Hello Saferide. I don't know how many times I've listened to Introducing... Hello Saferide in the past few days. It's probably because she makes me wish I was a Swedish Indie Pop Star and could write songs like this...

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