November 3, 2010


I'm thinking about restarting this blog, or just starting up a new one. One that I can follow under a different format.

Not that I don't like this blog, but I touched on some personal stuff in the past, that is really not a part of who I am now. And even though those things did help me become who I am today, they're not things I'm going to be referencing all the time.

So a fresh start is what I need. Details will be coming soon. And hopefully those of you following me here will start following me in my new endeavor as well.



  1. it bothers me when i see folks erase their past and start new blogs or social networks...though i did get rid of my myspace......

    what is your past is important to you even if you may feel no longer attached to it or embarrassed by can be comforting to have it there as a reference....we are all made up of our collective pasts.....

    if you erase this....and then in the future erase that..then becomes a habit of erasure...a kind of lifestyle...

    a fresh start can be had any way you want it.....

    of course you are you and allowed to do what you will...just giving you my nine cents...

  2. i know exactly what you mean. that's why i still have my active livejournal account. i'm still contemplating this blog. maybe i can just revamp it, and breathe some new life into it. :]
